Дени Белчева

In the spotlight today we have Deni Belcheva, who is part of Innovator’s team. She is a positive person and has a lot to share.

Which 3 words describe you the best?

Focused on details, as well as the whole picture. Motivated to act – that keeps me alive because I am motivated to do innovative things that help people express themselves better. Also self-critical – my way to develop.

What is your role in Innovator?

I am an assistant manager and I mainly deal with the organisation. As well as that, I help with the knowledge I have from my previous experience which is quite mixed. I mainly deal with graphic design, our website, social media, event organisation, and helping our co-workers feel better in Innovator. For example, my last work related to organisation was establishing the rules/etiquette for each shared space that we have – Lab, Conference room, Coffice, Co-working space.

How did you find out about Innovator and what attracted you?

In the beginning of 2018 I found Innovator on social media, but the only thing I knew was that it’s a co-working place. What brought me here was pure “coincidence”. I was working at a startup and the end of summer 2018 we had to change our the office. We decided that Innovator is the perfect place for us. And for me the bonus was that I got to meet a variety of people working in diverse fields under one roof.

What were your jobs before Innovator?

I was working with the social media and graphic design at JustBook. Before that I was part of a successful startup in England, where my colleague and I did everything from A to Z. Previously, I worked for a large american NGO as a technical assistant.

What are your career development plans?

My plans are already in the process of development. They are related to the degree I carry of Computer Science and Business Management. I wanted to have experience in both fields, so I started with IT and then moved to the other spectrum of the degree by diving into a startup business. Now I deal with Project Management, as there is still a lot I need to learn in this area. My plan for career development is to try as many new things as possible and through this to find out what I like the most. At this point, I don’t feel like I have found “it”, as I have interests in various different fields. I would love to synthesise them in the future in an innovative way to help young people develop faster.

How do you relax outside of work?

I would say by doing sport. Also, communication with friends. It is really important for me because sharing makes me feel refreshed. Also, one of the reasons I came back to live in Varna is the beauty of the city. There is a large sea garden, where I can breathe fresh air and clear my mind.

How you cope with the lack of motivation?

The first thing I do is to catch myself being in this state. If I don’t do it, the condition prolongs in time. After becoming aware, I give myself a small break from what I am doing to contemplate where the problem is. If it is connected to my environment – I change the environment, if it is something inside of me – I do a self-analysis and change myself accordingly.

How does stress at work affect you and how do you relieve it?

Stress at work is something that almost does not exist for me. I have had various jobs ranging from high level of stress to low stress positions. Maybe stress is something I left in the past and I have built some sort of a mental barrier. When I have deadlines I activate what I mentioned in the first question – the focus and motivation, which helps me the most.

Is there anything inside of you that you would like to change workwise?

Of course, there is always room to improve, to add or remove things, which more or less have a negative effect to the working process. For example, the fact I love to communicate with people distracts me sometimes, but I am working on it.

Which are the most interesting places you have visited?

All the places that I’ve been to so far. Each city has its own vibe. I was in Berlin 10 days ago and its history impressed me a lot. I was stunned by the way a modern city has preserved its past and shares it openly, given how heavy it actually is.

Would you go back to live in England or another foreign country?

If it is related to my education – yes. I would probably not choose to move abroad just because of work. Education is the more important for me, even before work.

Which is the next place you would like to visit?

Tibet. I want to feel the calmness of the mountains, far away from modern civilisation. In my perspective, Tibet is another world. Something completely different from what I’ve experienced so far.

Where do you find inspiration and energy?

I love reading philosophy books. My inspiration comes from knowledge. The more I know, the more inspired I feel.

What advice would you give to young people that are looking for motivation workwise?

To have honest conversations with themselves. This may be only way to find what they actually want to do with their lives. If they only look for answers in the outside world, their idea will never be completed. It will feel like a shallow vision, because they are following the world around them, without the connection to themselves.

Author: Boryana Ivancheva

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